I generally follow a low carb diet which means bread, pasta, rice etc. don’t appear on the daily menu but there are times when I miss Noodles. There is something about those long, slurpy, comforting strings that makes them very satisfying. Maybe it’s reminiscent of my teens when my staple food was Instant noodles or maybe its just a fascination. Either way I managed to find a wonderful grain alternative; Zucchini Noodles, also known as Zoodles! Part of the Squash family zucchini is a versatile vegetable that is easily available all year around. It can be sautéed, roasted, used in salads, good for fritters and frittata and of course chocolate brownies! Yes, that is right you can hide zucchini in brownies and the kids won’t even notice it. On the nutritional side Zucchini is high fiber which is great for the digestive system, it has a rich antioxidant profile which slows down ageing, is a good source of potassium which moderates blood pressure and has a good variety of B vitamins and minerals that help balance blood sugar and sustain energy. So, with all those wonderful health benefits Zucchini features regularly in my kitchen, in fact just last night I made my favourite Zoodles dish and thought I must share the recipe with you so here it is Avocado Pesto Zoodles!
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