Muneerah Shiraz is a Holistic Nutritionist, an Entrepreneur, and a Mum and this is her story…

She has a background in Human Resources and worked in the corporate and not for profit sectors for over a decade. She experienced the high stress, low energy life with a constant slew of lattes, office treats, carb heavy meals and a sedentary lifestyle lacking a work life balance.

But it came to a halt when her children started developing health issues like eczema, food allergies and other digestive disturbances. This led to her exploring solutions to get them back to optimum health through natural therapies. Whilst on this path of learning Muneerah began to experience her own health issues, specifically digestive concerns which led her to explore the connection between food and disease. She was now enlightened by the information discovered and adopted a new way of eating and living. Muneerah changed her family’s diet from a standard indulgence diet to an organic, dairy and gluten free diet supported by plant-based foods with a focus on decreasing processed foods. She even incorporated lifestyle changes such as yoga, journaling and more. Additionally, she began controlling the environmental influences that were restricting the family from thriving.

These changes brought positive results for the family and were evident to all, and so she became the official go to person amongst her family and friends for solutions to everyday health concerns.

Muneerah had found a new path that resonated with her and one that she was passionate and excited about, so to round of her knowledge she joined the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto where she formally became a student of Nutrition and graduated with a First-Class Honours along with being nominated the class Valedictorian.

To present day…Muneerah is thankful for this second chance at her health. In her Nutritional Practice, Wellness Redone, she focuses on helping women reclaim their energy and their digestive health by making gradual changes to their diet and lifestyle for optimum results. Muneerah believes in changing eating habits for life and not following fad diets. She regularly coaches clients who want sustainable tools to manage their weight for long-term results.  Muneerah remains a foodie and promotes the 80/20 rule where if you eat a clean, healthy diet 80% of the time you can indulge the remaining 20%.

Muneerah is a big proponent of Nutrition Education for children and seizes opportunities to speak at schools about the impact of eating healthy, wholesome foods whilst presenting the downside of a diet influenced by processed junk foods.

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