Walking barefoot in the grass every morning is my daily ritual from late Spring to early Fall. It is very calming yet energizing and I love the sensation of that dew damp grass from the wee hours on my bare feet. The health benefits of this practice are immense so it’s a total win-win!
Earthing (also known as Grounding) is very beneficial for general wellbeing and has been known to help with many ailments. Its the process of when bare feet or bare hands meet the earth and pick up the earth’s electic energy. It results in the body gaining free electrons through the skin which had an antioxidant effect thereby decreasing inflammation which is otherwise a welcoming home for disease.
Earthing can be done on grass, sand, soil, ocean/lake ware even rocks as they are all earth’s energy sources.
30 minutes of Earthing everyday helps to:
- Reduce Stress
- Improve blood pressure
- Enhance sleep
- Decrease inflammation
- Accelerate would healing
- Reduce chronic pain
- Reduce chronic pain
- Support the adrenal glands
Enjoy the benefits of Earthing by…
- Walking bare feet on the grass
- Gardening with bare feet
- Walking on the beach
- Swimming in a lake or ocean
- Lying down on the grass
- Hugging a tree
- Wearing natural leather soled shoes so the earth’s energy can still be absorbed.
Earthing can be done on grass, sand, soil, ocean/lake ware even rocks as they are all earth’s energy sources. What if you cannot do any of the above? There may be situations where people cannot do any of the above and sometimes the reason is as simple as the weather which we in Canada are very familiar with 😊.
No worries, there are Grounding products on the market which can help provide the same benefits as they are made to plug into the healing actions of the Earth’s stabilizing energy fields.
Here are some indoor examples:
- Sleeping mat
- Foot mat
- Chair mat
- Pillows
- Body bands, patches and more.
More information on these speciality products can be found at:
Earthing is just one more way for us to get closer to our natural surroundings and reap the health benefits of Mother Nature’s love!
If you have any questions or would like more information on Earthing, feel free to email me at [email protected]
@Health Disclaimer: Always consult your primary healthcare practitioner before using any new supplements.