Yay to Summer for most of us but for some it’s a time of sniffles, watery eyes, sneezing, fever, headaches and the onset of HAY FEVER.

Hay fever also known as Allergic Rhinitis is an allergy to proteins in plants, trees, grass and weeds that effect the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and air passages. This irritation causes a myriad of symptoms ranging from watery, itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, fatigue, headaches and more. These symptoms are not just irritating they also drain energy and prevent the sufferers from enjoying the outdoors.

Here are the Top 4 nutrients for combating Hay Fever:

  1. Bromelain– This is the anti-inflammatory enzyme found in Pineapples and is excellent for reducing inflammation in the nasal passages. 1-2 cups of Pineapple a day will help but to see a marked improvement a high dose supplement form is recommended (see below).
  2. Quercetin– A bioflavonoid (antioxidant and disease preventing properties), Quercetin helps regulate histamine response (which causes allergic symptoms) and fights inflammation from allergies. In its natural form Quercetin is found in Apples, Peppers and Red Onions but once the Hay Fever symptoms have kicked in a more stronger dosage is recommended.
  3. Vitamin C– It’s an immune booster, fights inflammation and maximises the absorption of Quercetin. Found in Berries, Peppers and Citrus produce we need this high dose to support the immune system.
  4. #Stinging Nettle– An antihistamine and anti-inflammatory herb that reduces histamine production in the body. Nettle Leaf Tea is good for controlling sneezing and itching, enjoy 2-3 cups a day.

*The above can be consumed individually in supplement forms or taken in a complex as below:

  • Quercetin Bromelain Complex by Douglas Lab contains Bromelain, Quercetin and Vitamin C.
  • Quercetin SAP by NFH contains Bromelain and Quercetin
  • Deep Immune for Allergies by St. Francis is an herbal concoction of immune boosting, anti inflammatory, anti histamine herbs.

Complement the above with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and Raw Local Honey which breakdown the mucus and help with lymphatic drainage. ‘Local’ honey is excellent as it contains local pollen to combat the allergy. Mix 1tbsp ACV with ½ tbsp Honey in warm water and drink 2-4 cups a day.

For excess mucus or at bedtime try diffusing essential oils. If you have oils that can be applied topically mix them in a carrier oil (e.g. coconut, almond, olive etc.) and rub on the neck and chest before bed. Eucalyptus and Peppermint oils are good decongestants.

If you have any questions email us at [email protected]



#Stinging Nettle may interfere with certain medications

*Health Disclaimer: Always consult your primary healthcare practitioner before using any new supplements.

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