by Muneerah Shiraz | Apr 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
Most people wash their fresh produce in running water for under 20 seconds, but is plain running water enough to really clean them? On the farm Fruits and Vegetables are sprayed with insecticides, pesticides, herbicides and toxic chemicals which we ingest. These...
by Muneerah Shiraz | Apr 17, 2018 | Energy
3 TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR ENERGY LEVELS As a Holistic Nutritionist there are 2 questions that I ‘always’ get asked when I am at social events: 1- Can you help me lose weight? ? and 2- I am always tired, do you have a cure for that? Today my focus is on the latter;...
by Muneerah Shiraz | Apr 10, 2018 | Foods
Do you belch frequently after meals? Have a burning sensation in your chest when you didn’t even eat spicy food? Pass embarrassing amounts of gas after meals? In this article I will discuss Heartburn, a common condition which is experienced by millions of people all...
by Muneerah Shiraz | Mar 28, 2018 | Foods
Many people are confused about whether its worth buying organic or not and whether there is even much of a difference between non-organic and organic fresh produce. This post provides a fresh perspective with a list of produce that should always be bought organic and...