Muneerah practices what she preaches and convinced a die-hard traditionalist like me on lifetime medications to change my diet and lifestyle to improve my multitude of health issues. Since the past four months I have stopped five prescription medications without any adverse effects. I believe she has the knowledge, experience and passion to help others live better by applying small changes gradually which have a lasting impact on health. I wish the clients of Muneerah and Wellness Redone all the best. Rest assured you are in good hands.

P. Nooruddin

As someone who is in their 70s, I greatly benefitted from Muneerah’s recommendations.  I have had food allergies since a young age but over the years its become worst to the point that there are very few foods that my system can tolerate. I had a very long and thorough meeting with Muneerah at my first appointment where she first discussed the intake form with me, listened to my issues and then explained what was going on in my body, I was very acidic.  Talking to her was very relaxing, she patiently listened to my ailments, I had never heard of Holistic Nutrition. She recommended supplements and advised what foods to eat and what to avoid. This helped me tremendously. I am feeling much better now. The tummy pain is gone, and I eat better without worrying what will happen next. I also have osteoarthritis, doctors advised me to swim, use gel and pain killers. The swimming helped but I could not walk long distances, Muneerah recommended natural supplements and now I can walk better and can climb 3 floors- no pain killers required!! Muneerah knows her work well, she knows what she is talking about and tries very gently to make us understand everything. This holistic nutrition is like what my grandmother used to treat us with but over the years we have moved over to allopathic medicine and forgotten natural therapies. I would recommend giving this a try, you will realize the difference.

Maleka S.

Muneerah was a great help for me to reduce my dependence on Advil and Tylenol for headaches. She educated me about the negative side effects of the drugs and helped me reduce my dependency with the help of healthy dietary habits and natural supplements which greatly reduced the frequency of the headaches. She is a great listener and convincing educator.  She was a great help for me and I am sure others will also benefit from her knowledge, experience and skills.


Really appreciate the guidance! Muneerah’s knowledge in holistic nutrition has impacted my health in so many positive ways.  Most importantly she has helped me realize this is not a fad but a lifelong commitment to a healthier and balanced lifestyle. She is so easy to talk to and follows up really diligently!

Sheeza M.

Great guidance with weight control and blood sugar management.  Thank you!


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