Muneerah Shiraz is a Holistic Nutritionist, Metabolic Balance Coach and an Entrepreneur, with a passion for transforming lives through holistic health.

Her journey began with a high-stress career in Human Resources, where she spent over a decade in the corporate and nonprofit sectors. The fast-paced lifestyle, fueled by lattes, office treats, and carb-heavy meals, eventually took its toll on her health and well-being.

When her children started experiencing health issues, Muneerah turned to natural therapies to find solutions. During this journey, she also faced her own health challenges, particularly with digestion, weight and imbalanced blood sugar. This led her to explore the profound connection between food and disease, sparking a personal transformation.

Inspired by the positive changes in her health, Muneerah overhauled her family’s diet to focus on natural, whole foods and embraced lifestyle changes that fostered a more balanced and healthy life.
Recognizing her passion for holistic health, Muneerah pursued formal education at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto, where she graduated with First-Class Honours and was named class Valedictorian.

Today, Muneerah is the founder of Wellness Redone, where she empowers women to reclaim their health through sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes. She specializes in coaching women over 40, helping them reset their metabolism and achieve vibrant health in the next phase of their lives.

Muneerah rejects fad diets and the ‘one size fits all’ approach, instead focusing on personalized, gradual adjustments that can be maintained for life. Her practice is rooted in The 5 Pillars of Health model, understanding that diet is just one aspect of a comprehensive wellness plan.
Her own transformation after 40 serves as a testament to the power of nutrition and lifestyle changes. A foodie at heart, Muneerah advocates for the 80/20 rule: eat healthily 80% of the time and enjoy indulgences the other 20%.
In addition to her practice, Muneerah is an active speaker on wellness topics, sharing her knowledge at various forums, including Lunch & Learns, Women’s Circles, Radio shows, and Podcasts. Her mission is to educate and empower women to reclaim their health.

Based in Vancouver, Muneerah offers online services, extending her reach to women globally.

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